12. The Irish ETR92T

The type/serial number plate on this model states "Bush (Ireland)", the model being made at Bush's Irish factory based in Dublin's northern suburb of Whitehall.

The model uses the same pale blue/green coloured plastic case with the chrome "B U S H" lettering/trim found on the familiar TR82C, combined with a middle section having the red rexine covering only previously found on the MB60 and EBM60 battery valve models.

This colour scheme initially led me to believe this model was a "marriage" of case parts and chassis from other models in the series. I still find the light blue/green plastic in conjunction with red rexine to be a mismatch.

The set has a dial offering long wave, medium wave and one short wave band from 1.7 to 5.0 MHz, with the three wavechange buttons labelled simply L, M and S.

The short wave range is considerably lower than those offered on the three export models mentioned earlier, so logically the "T" suffix in ETR92T may stand for "trawler band".

Internally the chassis appears to be derived from the ETR92 export variant without an earphone socket. Apart from very minor differences in the number of coils and trimmers fitted due to the different wavebands offered, the two chassis look to be virtually identical.

The model specifies the use of a 9 volt Ever Ready PP9 or equivalent, rather than the 6 x D cells used by the ETR92. This battery choice would suggest a domestic model despite Bush using the "E" prefix in ETR92T, which usually denotes export.